
48 Opera Project Covid Edition: Call for Submissions

January 22, 2021

Call for Submissions

Submissions are now closed, but you can still join the fun! 

Read below to discover what the event is all about, then head HERE for tickets to the Watch Party, where you can see the finished works and vote for your favourite.


Do you miss creating? Creating misses you!

And Lucky Penny’s got you covered. 

Presented in partnership with re:Naissance Opera and Indiefest2020:

Gather a team, online or in your “bubble,” and take a leap into the void to write, direct, design, film, and edit an original opera - all in 48 hours.

WHY???  Because when there’s no time to think, magic happens!

Described as “a feat of impossible theatre” and “unapologetically opera, unapologetically insane,” this is the speed-theatre event you never knew you needed.

Teams will work from 6pm PST on Friday, Jan. 22 to 6pm PST on Sunday, Jan. 24th, 2021.

At 6pm PST on Thursday, Jan. 28th, we will host a giant watch party where teams will compete for fame, glory and sweet, sweet audience applause. ()

So get together a composer, an accompanist (piano or otherwise) and a group of 2-5 performers and artists and make something that’ll blow our minds! 

*Psst, don’t worry… There will be a technical tutorial package to help you rehearse and record your masterpiece.


Got more questions? We bet you do. 

Read the rules first, then feel free to email us for more info at

Ready to take the leap?

Read the rules anyway then register by January 20th at 8pm.

The Rules

The rules were made to be broken, but here are a few we want you to consider.

It must be an original work

(Even if it’s based on something else.) We know you would never be sneaky, but just in case we’ll be sending you a prompt kit on the first evening containing a random list of props, phrases and sounds that MUST make an appearance in your opera.

Minimum 2 artists, maximum 5

Opera is multidisciplinary, so artists could be actors, dancers, composers, pianists, instrumentalists, circus performers, or whatever, but at least one must be a singer!

Between 7 and 10 minutes in length

This is the sweet spot that will make sure your piece is long enough to be engaging, but short enough to be manageable. Believe it or not, shorter is harder! Still, it’s important to keep it short so you don’t overwhelm yourself with ideas and work.

Mix it up, but know your limits

You’re a composer and a singer? An accompanist and a director? Some other combination? Great! You’re welcome to do multiple jobs. You’re also welcome to try something you’ve never done before, but make sure that you have enough time to work an rest so you don’t let your teammates down.

Manage your time

Have to work your day job or go to a party? We don’t care as long as you and your teammates can work out a schedule and make it happen by opening night.

Covid safety MUST be respected.

That means no in-person rehearsals outside your bubble. No filming in busy locations where distancing is impossible. NO KISSING STRANGERS.

Have Fun and break all the rules we haven’t mentioned.

This is SCARY. We get it. But also, the stakes couldn’t be lower, and we mean that in the best way. People want to cheer and clap and get high off watching you take a risk, and they’re gonna love you for it, whether your piece works the way you want it to or not.

You’re completely on your own.

Just kidding! We’re always only an email, text, or phone call away. Plus, we’ll provide a tech guide with suggestions for rehearsing music on Zoom, recording and editing how-tos, and a list of excellent free tools that will allow you to store or share files too big to send over email.

Still have questions?

No problem. 

Send us an email with the subject line “48 Hour help”

Ready to dive in?


Apply NOW.

(Submissions now closed)

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Lucky Penny Opera lives and works on the traditional and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish), and sə̓lílwətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. We are grateful to be able to benefit from this beautiful and bountiful land, stewarded by the Coast Salish peoples since time immemorial.

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